10.5 Data Collection Types and Resources
3. Demographic Data
3.1. Digital Portfolio Activity: Dig Demographic Data
Open your Portfolio and complete the following:
1. Complete the "Predictions" section about trends in Student Demographic Data for your school.
2. Go to www.mischooldata.org
3. Visit the "Kindergarten - 12th Grade" menu
4. Select "Student Counts"
5. Edit the "Find Location" and "Report Settings" to locate your school district. Run a report for all schools, all grades, and all students.
6. You may use the "Edit Report" button to change your settings.
7. Select the "Snapshot", "Trend", and/or "Entity Breakdown" views.
8. What do you notice about the trends in Student Counts? Complete the "Observations" section of your Portfolio.
9. Data Conference with a colleague(s) and complete the "Making Meaning" section of the Portfolio.
10. Brainstorm the student, teacher, and building level implications and complete the section called "Next Steps" in your Portfolio.