Site: | Harrison |
Course: | Michigan Algebra I Sept. 2012 |
Book: | Piecewise |
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Date: | Friday, 7 March 2025, 2:29 AM |
Piecewise Functions
The domain of function f is the set of all real numbers, since f is defined everywhere for all real numbers. In other words, there is not one value for x that could not be substituted into the function.
To evaluate a function when there are multiple functions, look at the intervals on the right of the functions. To evaluate f (3), use the lower function as that is the one to use for all values of x greater than 2. f (3) = x = 3. To evaluate f (-4) use the upper function f(x ) = - x . Replacing x with -4: f (-4) = -(-4) = 4.
Step 1. Determine which function to use based on the domain values.
f (10) belongs in the top domain, so use the top function.
f (-2) belongs in the bottom domain, so use the bottom function.
Step 2. Substitute the domain value into the correct function and solve.
1) In pencil, sketch a graph of each function represented on the same coordinate graph.
3) Determine if the graph is continuous. A graph is continuous if you can sketch it without lifting your pencil off the paper. In other words, the graph doesn't "jump" or have any gaps. To determine if a function is continuous, evaluate each piece of the function at the end of the intervals.
Example 1
Step 1. Break the function into its separate functions and domain intervals.
This function is actually 3 different functions combined. The key point here is that the inequalities for x tell which function is on which interval of the domain. In other words, if x is less than or equal to -2, then f(x) = 2x + 1. If x is between -2 and 1 (including 1, but not -2), then f(x) = 3. If x is greater than 1, then f(x) = -3x - 2.
Step 2. Graph each function on the same coordinate plane using a pencil.
Example 1 Continued
Example 2
{x - 1, if x < -1 (in blue) | ![]() |
The open dot at x = -1 (red line) shows that for the function x +1, x cannot be -1. At y = -1, there is just a dot because that is the only value x can be. For the function x - 1 there is an open dot because only the values where x is less than -1 are allowed.
Few real-life, practical situations can actually be modeled by the same function over the course of the entire time it is modeling. This brings cause for studying piecewise functions. For example, a piecewise function can represent "graduated" income tax versus a flat tax rate. A flat income tax would tax people at the same rate regardless of their income, for instance a flat tax of 30% of your income. Some people think that flat tax is unfair for those in or near the poverty level because they are getting taxed at the same rate as those in a higher income bracket. Our income tax is based on a graduated tax calculation. In a graduated tax system, the first $15,000 you earn may be taxed at a rate of 20%, the next $45,000 you make may be taxed at a rate of 25%, and any more money that you make above $45,000 could be taxed at a rate of 35%.
Below is a graph of this situation:
The graph in pink represents the graduated tax and is a piecewise function. It is a continuous piecewise function created by three different linear functions. Notice the change in slope when x = 15,000 and again when x = 45,000.
The graph in blue represent the flat tax and is not a piecewise function. Notice that it has a constant slope.
Application #2
Video Lesson
Piecewise Functions
Using a TI83/84 Calculator to Graph
Calculator Instructions
Guided Practice
Guided Practice
Graphing Practice
Answer Key
Graphing Piecewise Functions Answer Key
Piecewise Practice
Answer Key
Arizona State University, "Graphing Piecewise Functions." http://fym.la.asu.edu/~tturner/MAT_117_online/piecewisefunction/Piecewise.htm (accessed 09/11/2010).
Carmel Clay Schools, "Graphing Piecewise worksheet." www.ccs.k12.in.us/chsteachers/pbeck/Algebra%202/Chapter%202/Piecewise%20Worksheet.pdf (accessed 09/11/2010).
Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, "Write and Graph Piecewise Functions." http://my.hrw.com/math06_07/nsmedia/homework_help/alg2/alg2_ch09_02_homeworkhelp.html (accessed 08/24/2010).
PassMathClass.com, "Piecewise Functions." http://passmathclass.com/ l_piece.html (accessed 09/11/2010).
Prentice Hall, "Graphing Piece-Wise Functions." http://www.prenhall.com/ divisions/esm/app/graphing/ti83/Graphing/Special_graphs/piece_wise/piece_wise.html (accessed 09/11/2010).
University of Georgia, "Piecewise Linear Functions." http://jwilson.coe.uga.edu/EMT668/EMAT6680.Folders/Barron/unit/Lesson%204/4.html (accessed 09/11/2010).