3.3 Connecting Next Generation Assessments to the Standards

Site: Harrison
Course: TRIG Teacher Technology Training (T3)
Book: 3.3 Connecting Next Generation Assessments to the Standards
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Date: Friday, 1 November 2024, 1:22 AM

College and Career Readiness

Based on the work you've been doing in your school to implement College and Career Readiness Standards, along with what you learned in Module 2 of this course, you should have a solid understanding of the CCRS.  As you've learned in this Module, the Next Generation Assessments are aligned to the CCRS.  

Next, we're going to look at some of the major shifts in instruction that will be required in delivering content to meet the standards.  After that, we'll take a look at some sample assessment items.  As you look at the sample items, try to make connections betwen the standards, shifts, and how the assessment items will measure students' ability to demonstrate understanding of the standards.


Common Core "Shifts"

Common Core Shifts for ELA/Literacy*

  1. Complexity: The standards require regular practice with complex text and its academic language
  2. Evidence: The standards emphasize reading and writing grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational
  3. Knowledge: The standards require building knowledge through content rich non-fiction

Common Core Shifts for Mathematics*

  1. Focus: The standards focus in on the key content, skills and practices at each grade level
  2. Coherence: Content in the standards builds across the grades, and major topics are linked within grades
  3. Rigor: In major topics, the standards highlight conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application

These shifts have implications for how students will be assessed (question/task types.)  At the same time, Michigan is moving a new assessment delivery system (online.)

Your focus in the classroom should not be "teaching to the test."  Rather, if you are effectively teaching the standards for your grade level and content area to all students, they will perform well on the assessments.  How can you design lessons that will teach the standards and create a level of comfort in the online environment?  Keep this in mind as you move through the modules of this course!

*Source: http://www.parcconline.org/samples/item-task-prototypes#2

A Look at Major Shifts in Literacy

Curriculum experts have identified pedigogical shifts demanded by the Common Core State Standards.  Although the number and exact descriptions of these required changes my differ slightly, the overall concepts are the same.  

Below is a graphic summarizing the major shifts in literacy identified by the New York State Education Department through their website - EngageNY.org:


Although the shifts in literacy are all relevant to all teachers, shift #1 and #2 from above probably most desereves the attention of teachers at every grade level and in every content area.  The videos linked below provides an overview of expectations of all teachers in improving student literacy.  View the video appropriate to your grade level and consider the implications this "shift" has for you as an educator.

Shift 1 Grades PK -5: Balancing Informational Text and Literature 

Shift 2, Grades 6-12: Building Knowledge in the Disciplines 

Source: http://www.engageny.org 


A Look at Major Shifts in Mathematics

Curriculum experts have identified pedigogical shifts demanded by the Common Core State Standards.  Although the number and exact descriptions of these required changes my differ slightly, the overall concepts are the same.  

Below is a graphic summarizing the major shifts in mathematics identified by the New York State Education Department through their website - EngageNY.org:

Source: http://www.engageny.org 

You are now ready to move on to the next learning activity: 3.4 A Look at Sample Next Generation Assessment Items