10.5 Data Collection Types and Resources

(Detail potential data sources that gauge online testing readiness at the student level. Include technology and content readiness data sources.)

6. Perception Data

6.2. Digital Portfolio Activity: Dig Perception Data

google formssurvey monkeysocrativepolleverywheregosoapbox

Open your Portfolio and complete the following:

1. Complete the "Predictions" section about trends in stakeholder perceptions (students, teachers, colleagues, community).

2.  Using an online tool that you learned about in Module 9,  create a perception survey for your staff, students or parents. (This can be done as an individual teacher, department or entire building staff). 

3. Administer the Perception survey. Complete the "Observations" section of your Portfolio. 

4.  Data Conference with a colleague(s) and complete the "Making Meaning" section of the Portfolio.  What do you notice about the trends in stakeholder perceptions?  

5.  Brainstorm the student, teacher, and building level implications and complete the section called "Next Steps" in your Portfolio. 

portfolio perception

You are now ready to move on to the next activity: 10.6 Data Conferencing