HSCE's Ch. 5


L3.p3 Factors Influencing Ecosystems (prerequisite)

The number of organisms and populations an ecosystem can support depends on the biotic resources available and abiotic factors, such as quantity of light and water, range of temperatures, and soil composition. (prerequisite


L3.p3A Identify the factors in an ecosystem that influence fluctuations in population size (prerequisite)


L3.p3B Distinguish between the living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic) components of an ecosystem. (prerequisite)


L3.p3D Predict how changes in one population might affect other populations based upon their relationships in a food web. (prerequisite)


8-P3.1.1 Clearly state an issue as a question or public policy, trace the origins of the issue, analyze various perspectives, and generate and evaluate alternate resolutions.

8-P.4.2.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how, when and where individuals would plan and conduct activities intended to advance views in matters of public policy, report the results, and evaluate effectiveness


8-P4.2.2 Engage in activities intended to contribute to solving a national or international problem


8-P4.2.3 Participate in projects to help or inform others

Work through a web-quest and create a power point to teach the class about a specific ecosystem

Last modified: Sunday, 11 November 2012, 1:42 PM