8.7 Blended Activity

Culminating Activity: Create and implement a blended activity into their classroom, which will be shared and reflected on for further growth.

In the previous activity, you brainstormed an idea for implementing a blended activity in your classroom.  It is now time to actually create and implement the activity.

Please proceed through the following steps:

  1. Reflect on the activity you shared in the forum "Ideas for Your Blended Activity" and any changes you would make to modify it.
  2. Create a blended activity for your classroom that you will use within the next week.
  3. Complete the activity with your student.
  4. Gather feedback from your students regarding the activity and their thoughts about how it went (i.e. what worked well, what could have worked better).

In your Digital Portfolio, you will need to provide the following:

  • Description of the blended activity you actually created and implemented in your classroom
  • Share your reflection on the success of the activity.  Include:
    • what went well
    • what did not go well
    • what changes you would make for future use
  • Share a summary of your students' feedback about the lesson

To complete this assignment and Module, submit the URL to your Digital Portfolio.

Once you have completed this assignment, you will be ready to move on to the next activity: 8.8 Taking Blended Learning Further (Optional)