4.2.1 Learner Diversity Reflection

4.2.1 Learner Diversity Reflection

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Now that you completed the Learn section of 4.1 Recognizing Learner Diversity, respond to the following prompts. Please answer question 1 and either question 2 or 3:

  1. Describe the feelings you experienced while participating in the interactive activities. How do think they relate to what students with learning difficulties may be experiencing when confronted with traditional learning methods and materials?
  2. Describe a recent assignment or activity you asked students to participate in that may have been difficult for students at the edges? Can you think of a way to adapt that activity to reduce the learning barriers?
  3. Describe an assignment or activity you asked to students to participate in that met the needs of a variety of learners. How do you address variability in the assignment?

Once you have completed this activity, you will be ready to move on to the next: 4.3 Universal Design For Learning