Reading Log Chapters 5 & 6

This is a reading log.  The way this works is that everything that everyone posts will be put into a glossary for everyone to see.  Under the name you should start by sharing the chapter you are sharing about and include your this...

Chapter Log #1 Tammi Lipovsky

You will have to click on the tab that says Browse by category to view everyone's comments later.

So this is what you should share... When you are reading, a strategy you should do is stop and think....This is called the OWLS strategy

O= Think about any observations you have made.  Think about the things you liked or didn't like and why was it right or wrong.

W= Think about any questions that you have been left thinking about. Think about what is going to happen next.

L= Think about connections that you make with what is happening like does this connect to you, someone that you know or an event that you know about.

S= Think about what you just read, and give yourself a quick summary.

After reading the selection,  write a post for one or two of the letters...remember to choose the Category when you are adding an entry.

O for Observations:  

W for Wonderings:

L for Links:  

S for Summarizing:

(Just a quick tech note:  To save time, select the OWLS text above, copy it and when you click to add an entry and the journal spot comes up, paste it in the window and then just add your answer.) 

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