Vocabulary Terms 1 - A Global Perspective

applied science - uses information provided by pure science to solve problems

bioshpere - the thin layer of life arund the Earth, extends from the surface of the Earth to about 8 km (5 mi) above the surface and to about 8km (5mi) below the surface

consumption crisis - when people use up, waste, or pollute natural resurces faster than those resources can be renewed, replaced, or cleaned up

developed countries - highly industrialized countries whose citiaens have high average incomes

developing countries - less industrialized, and their citizens have a much lower average income

ecology - the study of how living things react to each other and thier non-living environments

environment - everything that surrounds us

environmental science - the study of how humans interact with their environment

experiement - where a hypothesis is tested under controlled conditions

hypothesis -  a testable explanation for an observation

natural resource - any natural substance that living things use

non-renewable resource - resources that can not be replaced

population crisis - regions where human population is growing too quickly for the resources of the area to support

pure science - seeks to answer questions about how the natural world works

renewable resource - resources that are continually being replaced even as they are being used

sustainable world - a world in which human populations can continue to exist indefiniely with a high standard of living and health

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